
Claudia P3 avatar image
Claudia P3 asked Ryan Clark commented

Custom lunch break time

Hi, I need to create different stops in the production line which have a variable time, such as lunch. I have tried with time table but this just defined constant times. Is there another way to create a stop in the activity of the resources with a variable time (distribution)?

FlexSim 21.2.3
timetablesscheduled downbreaks
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered Ryan Clark commented

Hello @Claudia P3,

One way to do this would be to use the MTBF/MTTR tool. That would allow you to set a distribution for the start time and duration of "failure time," which would be equivalent to your "lunch time." You can see here for more information on using the MTBF/MTTR tool. I hope this helps!

· 2
5 |100000

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Claudia P3 avatar image Claudia P3 commented ·

Thanks! I hadn't thought of that option.

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Ryan Clark avatar image Ryan Clark Claudia P3 commented ·
You're welcome! Glad to help!
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