
Jose_manuel A avatar image
Jose_manuel A asked Ryan Clark commented

Tutorial 3.1 instead of a "wait" I use a "wait for event"


What would be the setting for a "wait for event" if in the scenario of the example of the tutorial 3.1 instead of a "wait" I use a "wait for event" using the processor as the object? I tried but the Photoeye gets block and the token is waiting but nothing happens... Can you please advise? My plan is to put 3 processors in parallel, so if one is blocked, the box is sent to the next available (using the Photoeye as the desicion maker based on the processors status), could you help me? Many thanks

FlexSim 21.1.0
conveyorswait for eventphoto eyemultiple processors
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered Ryan Clark commented

Hi @Jose_manuel A,

What I would recommend to you is to use Decide activities in addition to Wait for Event activities. You could use a Decide activity to send the box to the first processor that is not in use, and have a fourth option for the case where none of them are available. For that fourth case, you can send the token to a Wait for Event activity to listen to the group of processors for the "OnProcessFinish" event. Then, the token could be released to go to the processor that triggered the event.

I hope this is helpful! Let us know if you have more questions!

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