
Cody F avatar image
Cody F asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to have photo eyes direct traffic of other conveyors?

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I am trying to have some flexibility in deciding which "machine" to direct the conveyor items. The blue location at the start of the main conveyor dictates which machine to go based on the current states. I have it running to prioritize the furthest machine at all times if open space is available and then machine 3 and 2 then 1 as each fills up. This makes too many items flow to the furthest locations and not allowing the nearest machines to fill up since the items think they need to go to the 4th machine but it is full when they arrive since other items in the meantime have filled the spaces.

I would like to know how to have the photo eyes from the machine sections of conveyor direct traffic on the main conveyor. Each machine has a capacity of 2 items. The orange is the processing location while the blue is blocking a photo eye to say the space is full. If the item arrives at the first machine and the photo eye on the blue decision point is open, how can I tell the item to go there vs if it's full move to see the next possible machine? Essentially just travel around the loop taking any open machine space as it arrives.

FlexSim 21.0.2
conveyorsflexsim 21.0.2photo eye
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

You're probably better off having a counter/label on the station that you increment and decrement as you go. Call it freeSpace for example and set it to 2 on reset. When you send one to the station decrement that and when one leaves the station you increment it. Then each decision point can just check it the counter value allows it to enter by checking station.freeSpace>0

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