
David Seo avatar image
David Seo asked David Seo commented

how to use 'hasSpace(item)' command in the rack


I want to place the items into the rack considering the slot size and each slot can have four items phisically in the rack size dimension.2021-10-01-175407.jpg


I want to do it as two ways not using process flow. I want to do it with connection or 'List'.

How can I do that?

FlexSim 21.2.3
item placement
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered David Seo commented

Hi @David Seo,

I was able to modify your model to exhibit the behavior you wanted. As you suspected, using slot.hasSpace(item) is critical for doing this. I modified the slot assignment code on both racks to only assign a slot if it still had space. For some reason, the Pull Requirement seemed to have some sort of bug for the List rack, so I modified the SendToPort logic on the List Queue to only push an item to the list if there is space for it in the correct slot on the rack.


I hope this helps! Let us know if you have further questions!

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