
Yokota T avatar image
Yokota T asked Ben Wilson answered

Can I run simulation in the background like Experimenter and Optimizer?

Hi all.

I'm trying to run simulation and get time-series data repeatedly with FlexSim webserver. For speeding up, I want to run simulation in the background like Experimenter and Optimizer. Is there any command to do that?

Thank you in advance.

FlexSim 21.2.3
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered

Hi @Yokota T,

There isn't anything built into the default webserver interface to launch headless instances of FlexSim.

You can launch headless FlexSim instances from the command line (Run model in background without opening the flexsim - FlexSim Community), but to do so across the web server interface would involve customizing the default interface and having model logic that would spawn your headless instances. It's doable, but convoluted.

Why can't you just use the experimenter directly? Or use the command line directly, without involving the webserver?

Perhaps just having all the 3D windows of your model closed would be good enough. Then when you are using that model over the web server it will not serve a 3D view.

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Yokota T avatar image Yokota T commented ·

Hi, @Ben Wilson

I understand that there is no API to create headless instances.

I need to get not only final result but interim progress of performance measure. So experimenter is not enough for my purpose. I'll consider using command line.

But I think closing 3D window is good enough as you said. I didn't have that idea.

Thank you, again.

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