
Ale avatar image
Ale asked Ale commented



when loading the background layout from AutoCAD nothing shows up. can you The only way it shows up is by converting the file to a DWF file but when I do that is out of scale and both files are saved in feet.



FlexSim 17.1.2
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Kevin Lavely avatar image
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Kevin Lavely answered Ale commented

Had same problem, figured out if you have file open in AutoCAD dwg file will not load into FlexSim

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Kevin Lavely avatar image
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Kevin Lavely answered Ale commented


Had similar problem when I inserted dwg file as background all FlexSim items came in tiny. What I did was scale AutoCAD drawing down (scale Factor 0.0254) changed units to meters. I then moved bottom left most corner to 0,0. I dimensioned with ordinate dimensions. when I bring in AutoCAD drawing to FlexSim I can then Match track lengths and locations. In FlexSim under Global Preferences Enviroment I set unit length to Meters (which I believe is default). Not sure if this is best way but it works for me.

  1. AutoCAD File

  1. FlexSim

Hope this helps

lsdd5.png (24.4 KiB)
wtwqz.png (21.5 KiB)
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