
Michael D6 avatar image
Michael D6 asked Felix Möhlmann edited

Push Component to Conveyor

Attached is a simple model. When the item gets to the end of the conveyor, I would like to show an actuator or push bar that physically transports the item to the processor. So instead of using a robot I want to have a single axis cylinder push the box to the processor. Is there an easy way to do that? It doesnt need to be complicated in geometry, just something to illustrate in the model how it happens and that I could then assign a process time to. I know i could just add a delay to simulate the process but it would visually make the simulation more understandable for when I scale for the real application. Simple Example Push to Conveyor.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.3
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Connor A avatar image Connor A commented ·
Hey @Michael D6, I am looking at your question and just want to make sure that I understand it correctly. Are you trying to push a box from the source to the conveyor with cylinder instead of the robot, or are you wanting to push the box from the end of the conveyor to the processor with a cylinder and keep the robot that takes the box from the source to the conveyor?
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Michael D6 avatar image Michael D6 Connor A commented ·

@Connor A I want to be able to do the second option. Push from the conveyor to the processor with a cylinder. Thanks for the help!

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann edited

Here's an example of how to do it with animations.

To create the pusher, click on "More Visuals" in the BasicFR's properties and then on "Edit" next to "Visuals/Animations". In the window that opens you can add sub-objects and animations for them.

Documentation on adding animations:

At the end of the conveyor I added a decision. It triggers a process flow that then starts the animation of the pusher. To also move the item, I move it into the pusher object. In the entry trigger of the BasicFR I then move it into the actual push arm and adjust its position to be flush against the cylinders face.

When the cylinder is fully extended (after 2 seconds), I move the item into the processor and reset its rotation.

I also added the processor as a resource, so items have to wait for the previous one to exit the processor.


To be able to easily change the duration of the pushing process (rather than changing the animation keyframes), open the code window of the custom code activity that starts the animation. Then add "SPEED_TYPE_DURATION" as first parameter, and the wanted total animation duration as second parameter in the "start()" function.


Here's an adjusted model that features a token label to control the push duration:


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