
tomonori S avatar image
tomonori S asked tomonori S commented

About ASRS Vehicle

The attached model uses an ASRS vehicle for the rack to transport flow items.

I have set an initial lift height, but every time I load a flow item into a rack, it returns to the initial lift height.

Please tell me how to set it to wait on the spot after loading it.


FlexSim 21.0.5
asrs vehicleasrsvehiclelift
asrsvehicle.fsm (40.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered tomonori S commented

You have to set and thus you change the initial lift height each time you load or unload items in a pick or place offset task. If this variable gets evaluated at the time when an offset travel begins, then you have to set this value beforehand.

any motion is a result of kinematic. You can test if you achieve the same result by deactivating the kinematic, if loading or unloading are done. This can work if the kinematic node gets initialized each time a new offset travel starts. Otherwise the motion is turned off for the rest of run time of your model.

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tomonori S avatar image tomonori S commented ·

Thank you for your reply.

excuse me. I would like to have a sample model based on the attached model because I can not understand it if it is explained only in the text.

If possible, I want to solve it with a simple model, so if possible, I would like something that does not use process flow.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann tomonori S commented ·

The initial lift height value is stored in the "forkresetheight" node in the objects tree (under variables). You can set its value with

ObjectReference.setVariable("forkresetheight", value)

I'd suggest to do this in an "On State Change" trigger, when the state the vehicle enters is the "unloading" state (and thus before the next travel task starts).

In the attached model you will also find the necessary code to determine the current height of the lift/extender in the trigger option.


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asrsvehicle-1.fsm (40.9 KiB)
tomonori S avatar image tomonori S Felix Möhlmann commented ·

It was very helpful. Thank you very much.

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