
Brian R avatar image
Brian R asked Phil BoBo answered

Task executer's path record within a map (GIS)

Hello, I want to know if there is any way to obtain the record that a task executer has within a GIS map, this in order to obtain the total cost of the use of a vehicle in several routes and even graph it.

I am attaching a test model where I have been working.


FlexSim 21.2.3
maps3.fsm (345.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered

GIS Point objects have some function_s() commands that will calculate the distance, duration, or cost to get to another point:

  1. treenode point1 = Model.find("GISNavigator/Point1");
  2. treenode point2 = Model.find("GISNavigator/Point2");
  3. double distance = function_s(point1, "getDistance", point2);
  4. double duration = function_s(point1, "getDuration", point2);
  5. double routingCost = function_s(point1, "getCost", point2);
  6. return [distance, duration, routingCost];

You can also use the distancetotravel() command to get the distance from a task executer to a destination, such as from the truck to a queue:

  1. treenode truck = Model.find("Truck1");
  2. treenode destination = Model.find("Queue2");
  3. double distance = distancetotravel(truck, destination);
  4. return distance;


The task executer also automatically tracks its total travel distance, so you can simply add charts that graph that stat to a dashboard without any custom data collection:


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1635349159221.png (769.3 KiB)
5 |100000

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