
Sebastian M21 avatar image
Sebastian M21 asked Sebastián Cañas commented

The model stops at 36.20 minutes without any error message.

I am trying to run a simple simulation after a training video and every time I try to run the model, it stops running at 36.20 minutes. I don't see any error messages either. I would like to know if there is a problem with the model or if I don't have to define any parameters.


FlexSim 19.0.0
please send me a process response file36.20
1636553752257.png (293.0 KiB)
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Sebastián Cañas avatar image
Sebastián Cañas answered Sebastián Cañas commented

Hi @Sebastian M21,

First at all, I'd like to remind you about FlexSim's Policy on Academic Integrity + Best Practices.

About your model, the reason why it is not running and stop at that time is because you are using the wrong type of connection between fixed resources. Thus, the models stops automatically when the first event happens without showing any error. You should use "A" connection instead of "S" connection.

In order to keep the Academic Integrity I will not upload the model fixed but I will encourage you to revise the manual and check out the tutorials available to learn to use FlexSim.

Happy modeling!

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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Sebastian M21 commented

@Sebastian M21 It is very difficult to see something of the parameters and settings when you only post a picture and not the model!!.

But looking at the picture it doesn't look there is any flowitem going through the model so please check your source if it is producing any more products.

Other thing could be that you put in a stop time. (But you should be aware that you did it)

Otherwise post your model.

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