
Amy M3 avatar image
Amy M3 asked Amy M3 commented

reversing conveyors

Im trying to get my reversing conveyor to work and getting the error about stradling..not sure how to fix it? Attaching a simple example of what i need to do. Once I get 3 pallets on the side reject conveyor, i wait 2 mins then feed them back one at a time. The side reject conveyor is 3 separate sections and they manually turn one on at a time. I had it working with one section but when I learned they needed 3 to account for extra time I cannot get it to work. Reverse_Example_1.fsm


FlexSim 21.2.3
conveyorreversible conveyors
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Amy M3 commented

Hello @Amy M3

I received help from @Brenton King with this solution. You mentioned that you needed there to be three separate sections which we can still work on to try and achieve. Could you look over the logic that decides to release the rest of the flow items once the reverse conveyor logic had been executed? That logic does not seem to be working in the model. reverse-example-1FS.fsm

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