
Srinivasarao A avatar image
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Srinivasarao A asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Optimization of Slot Utilization


I am working floor storage arrangement project in which different product (variable size, volume and weight) has to be stored in slot.

Constraint are volume and weight limit, ones the volume limit or weight limit reached item should to next slot.

I am attaching model I have prepared, any idea how achieve the above condition in these model?

Slot Optimization.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.3
slot assignment
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

Define the parameters (weight capacity, volume capacity as slots labels and paint them onto the floor storage (mostly so they get set to the correct value on model reset). In the slot entry and exit triggers, set those labels to be decremented/incremented by the values on the entering/exiting item to update the available capacity. (The default pick option for this doesn't work for some reason; possibly to do with using the "inc()" command. So simply use "slot.labelName ±= item.labelName" in a code snippet.

To filter for slots with enough capacity, either do the slot assignment in process flow with the "Find Slot" activity (this has to happen before the item enters the storage object) or use the "Storage.system.findSlot()" command. It uses the same SQL syntax you can have automaically generated in the "Find Slot" activity.

The whole code would look something like this:

  1. Object item = "get a reference to the item, any entry/exit trigger offers this by default";
  2. Storage.Slot slot = Storage.system.findSlot("...");
  3. if(slot)
  4. {
  5. Storage.Item s_item = Storage.Item(item);
  6. s_item.assignedSlot = slot;
  7. }

To take the shape of the items into account as well, use the "slot.hasSpace(item)" method in your query.


5 |100000

Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.