
Josiah S avatar image
Josiah S asked Ryan Clark commented

Custom queue location and spacing

Hi, I am trying to do a custom placement in a queue (looks like a rack) so that it doesn't look like its all stacking under it. I'd like for it to look stacked on the rack properly with proper space between and height between rows.

(see below picture for what I have now. the red is about how I'd Ideally like them to be, not smooshed together and at that level.)



FlexSim 21.0.9
queue loadqueue items
1640207590084.png (369.7 KiB)
· 1
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Fang J avatar image
Fang J answered Felix Möhlmann commented

I think you might need this.queue.png

queue.png (28.1 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
1 Like"
Joerg Vogel answered

Then use a rack instead! Any mechanism to control rack like placement costs you as much afford as using a rack. You can compute placement of level and bay by modulus operator and integer division. You can write location values in global table. You can replace a table by multi dimensional arrays. But in the end you will copy just a default rack object. Then use one!

5 |100000

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