
Weronika FK avatar image
Weronika FK asked Jeanette F commented

Different delay time in two processors in one group


I've got 2 questions.The first one is about groups. I've got 2 processors in one group - "Drukarki". I'm doing everything in ProcessFlow, so delay times are in there. My operator's destination ("Przejście do drukarki") is Lowest Content in Group. That means every processor has to have the same time. Is it possible, to set different times in ProcessFlow for these 2 processors (Drukarka1, Drukarka2)? I would like it to look like this:

  • Drukarka1: normal(150, 10, getstream(activity))
  • Drukarka2: normal(120, 10, getstream(activity))

My second question is about amount of items in processor. "Tunel suszący" should process 4 items "koszulka", not 1 like now. Operator takes item from "Drukarka" and put it in "Tunel suszący". He should have the possibility of adding more items. Every item should be process for 240s. Is is possible to make it happen? I've tried to do it by setting "Max Content" in a "Tunel suszący" but it doesn't work. I'm attaching my model.

Nadruk na koszulkach.fsm

FlexSim 21.1.5
processflowprocessoritemsprocess times
· 1
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1 Answer

Tomasz MG avatar image
Tomasz MG answered


1. Ustaw czas na procesorach a zamiast bloku delay w PF użyj wait for event

  • Obiekt - grupa durkarki
  • event - process finish
  • proces item - koszulka
  • akcja - match


Wtedy odbijesz czas na procesorze i token przejdzie dalej dopiero gdy skończy się proces dla danej koszulki przypisanej do tokena. Bez względu na to na której maszynie z grupy będzie.

2. Drugiego problemu nie masz bo na procesor wchodzi więcej koszulek. PF jest logiką nadrzędną i nie zwraca uwagi na np. max content procesora.


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