I'm using Excel Import/Export Interface to import historic log data as my simulation product creation time. As the Excel Import/Export Interface could import user self-defined data, this will make it different from defaulted 3 columns(ArrivalTime, ItemName, Quantity).
Then if I import the following data like the picture(The coulmns of imported data has been different from defaulted). I want FlexSim to use first column(Receive_Time) as the time it create a product(I want FlexSim read this column to create product). Then, how does FlexSim read the data imported?
I tried to set Start Time of the simulation a little bit earlier than 2021/12/1 10:40:10, but the simulation seems not starting at all. So is this because of the column format has changed so that FlexSim could not read. Or because I make mistake in setting the Model Start time?
Thank you very much!