
Jow26334 avatar image
Jow26334 asked Jow26334 commented

How to use Elevator Bank in People Process Flow, using Network Node?

I would like to create this in a people process flow, whereby person enters the lift at Level 1 and exits at Level 3. However,

1. the lift should be unoccupied until it reaches the original level. (Level 1)

2. lift should pick up another person from the Level 3 and return to Level 1.

3. lift should pick up another person from Level 3 and another person at Level 2 and return to Level 1.

How do I do so?

FlexSim 21.1.1
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
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Ryan Clark answered Jow26334 commented

Hi @Jow26334,

I didn't use the Elevator Bank or Network Nodes, but I was able achieve your desired elevator travel sequence using the normal Task Executer elevator. If this doesn't work for your application, you should be able to adapt it to using the Network Nodes at least (I'm not sure if the Process Flow logic would work with the Elevator Bank).


I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any further questions!

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Jow26334 avatar image Jow26334 commented ·

Thanks @Ryan Clark , how could I allow 2 person to enter based on a label? Does the token in the main process flow represent one person in the lift, due to "wait for event" match with the entering person?

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Jow26334 avatar image Jow26334 commented ·

Hi @Ryan Clark

I added on staff and transport along a network node. However, my patient will restart at the beginning (glass door) after entering the elevator. The patient with the staff and transport should continue the journey.

Could you help me please?

add on v3.fsm

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add-on-v3.fsm (88.6 KiB)