
Yokota T avatar image
Yokota T asked Ryan Clark commented

Export global table with symbol-characters to database

Hi all,

I'm trying to export my global table to the database(MySQL). But the exporting fails.

My guess is that because the column name has symbol-characters. I experimented on exporting. When I used ',' or '(', it failed. But when I used '$' or '_', it succeeded.

What characters can I use in the column name?


FlexSim 21.0.6
databaseexport dataexportdata export
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

In the database export tool, try wrapping your flexsim column names in square brackets:


To export to the database, we currently run a query in FlexSim to create the table that will be exported. Basically, this tool writes the following code:

  1. Table toExport = Table.query("SELECT [#], [!], [)] FROM GlobalTable2");
  2. // Then we iterate through the rows of toExport, sending them to the target table

So the "From FlexSim Column" values may need to be wrapped in [].

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