
Navode W avatar image
Navode W asked Navode W answered

Forklift travel order help


In my model, I want to make my forklifts(transporters) 1b and 2b to load the boxes into coolers 6 and 7 after the forklifts 1a and 2a are done with coolers 4 and 5(full), how can I make this possible? Currently in my attached model, all the forklifts work at the same time. Does it have to do something with triggers?

Most updated 2.2.fsm

Thank You for your time and help!

FlexSim 22.0.0
warehouseforkliftforklift travel
most-updated-22.fsm (142.1 KiB)
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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F commented

Hello @Navode W,

Triggers is a great idea for accomplishing this. I would set an on reset trigger to close the output port on either the sources or processors that connect to coolers 6 and 7. Then set an on entry trigger on the last cooler to be filled of coolers 4 and 5. The trigger will open the ports you previously had closed with the condition that the cooler is full. The condition to check that the cooler is full would look something like the following.

  1. current.subnodes.length >= 420; //note the number would be the number of items in the storage for it to be considered full.
· 2
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Navode W avatar image
Navode W answered

Thank You @Jeanette F , I got it!

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