
Navode W avatar image
Navode W asked Ryan Clark commented

Floor storage vertical help


In my attached model, all my boxes gets stored vertically 4 stories high in the floor storages except cooler 6c floor storage, can I get some help so that cooler 6c stores boxes 4 stories high as well? Also, in my compiler console, there are transporter errors for the unload time, (I used the probability distributions that I got through the flexsim's flexfit using my time data and inputted into forklifts) what are these and how can I fix them ?

Thank you very much and Have a great day!

Most updated 2.17.fsm

FlexSim 22.0.0
warehousefloorstorageforklift travel
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1 Answer

Sebastián Cañas avatar image
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Sebastián Cañas answered Ryan Clark commented

Hello @Navode W ,

The reason why cooler 6c is not behaving the same way the other is because in the Slot Stacking Order property you select None in the Y thing. It could happen that you move the scroll of your mouse while being on that list.


You should change it to Y+ as it's the default configuration.

About the transporter you got an error of syntax, when you get the code from the other software, you get it in this way: beta( 0.879741, 2.555351, 0.909898, 1.356552, <stream>)

The parameter in red is usually the last parameter of any statistical distribution, you should change it for the default code: getstream(current) or any other seed number.


Hope this helps!

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