
Steven C17 avatar image
Steven C17 asked Steven C17 commented

Queue Not using First Available Output


I am having an issue where my inbound queues are not distributing pallets by the First Available method. I want to fill up the 1st Floor storage completely before starting to fill up the second floor storage area. Instead it is doing what looks like a Round Robin. Any help for how to fix this. I have attached a sample model.

Floor Storage.PNG

Dist Center Model.fsm

FlexSim 22.0.1
floor-storage.png (77.5 KiB)
dist-center-model.fsm (347.9 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Steven C17 commented

This is an issue when multiple items enter the queue at the same time. After assigning an item to an output port the respective port is unvailable until all sending logic has finished. However, further items are already evaluating the send to port logic beforehand.

If you stagger the arrival of the items, the logic will behave as expected. I modified your process flow so that the items are created in a sub flow with a pause of 0s between the items to allow the distirbution logic to finish.


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