I use ProximitySystem as traffic calculator in a AStar navigation system: FlowItems travel on a AStar/MandatoryPath and when they are close to a "ProximityAgent1", the Proximity event is triggered and I can calculate the number of travellers on the path.
The problem is that when the FlowItems get stuck (in a queue for example), the model runs very slowly. I think, it is because the FlowItems start constantly triggering each others Proximity events. Is it somehow possible to create "un-active" agent, that doesn't scan it's own surroundings but would trigger "active" agent's Proximity event? Or is there some other way to speed up the model? What is the meaning of Agent System Properties -> Proximity Behavior -> on/off selection?
You can test this with the attached model. I tested 4 scenarios (1000 sec simulation):
1) Proximity/Agent logic ON and queue ON: runtime 132 sec (real time)
- run the model as is
2) Proximity/Agent logic ON and queue OFF: runtime 7 sec (real time)
- connect the queue to the sink -> no FlowItem queue
3) Proximity/Agent logic OFF and queue ON: runtime 7 sec (real time)
- Disconnect "Activate Proximity system" in the Process Flow -> the items are no more Agents
4) Proximity/Agent logic OFF and queue OFF: runtime 2 sec (real time)
- 2 + 3
It seems, that combination Agent and queue slows down the model. Is there anything, that can be done?