
shanice.c avatar image
shanice.c asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Stop and resume problem

Hello, I'm using Stop and Resume in process flow. It shows the ResumeID should match the StopID.

I deliberately wrote 8 in Resume ID field, but the StopID I used earlier is 1. It seems token is still released even if the Stop and resume ID is not the same.


Another problem is that is it permitted to use 2 Stop activities and use identical StopID? In my model I use 2 Stop activities with identical StopID==1, I would like to know if there's possibilty that tokenA been resumed by another token, because they use same resumeID?


FlexSim 21.2.0
stopstop and resume
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Felix Möhlmann commented

This looks like a bug, however, since the ID is optional and is used for matching the states when multiple resumptions need resolving to states - it's doing what is expected. If you need to match ids strictly then you'd probably be better creating a process flow to handle the stops.

Note - instead of stop and resume you could give the TE a delay task to do the same thing.

No, the resume method only applied to the object you're resuming - the id can be the same across multiple objects (if it was working correctly).

(I assume you mean the operators are released incorrectly - in the question you refer to the 'token').

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