
Marzia C avatar image
Marzia C asked Ryan Clark commented

Patient does not move from triage


With the model attached, I have a problem, when the model reaches around 3 am 3/1/2020 of the simulation, I have a patient that is supposed to move from the triage area. But this does not happen and I don't know why. What is the problem?

Thanks in advance.
Arrival Trial_9_autosave.fsm

FlexSim 21.1.1
flowpatient stuck
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1 Answer

Sebastián Cañas avatar image
Sebastián Cañas answered Ryan Clark commented

Hello @Marzia C ,

The patients weren't moving after 3 am because you were not releasing the Resource "Treatment Bed" once they left the area. I added a Release Location activity at the end of the MDs Initial Assessment Logic


I also added the same activity in the Fast Track Flow.


Hope it helps!

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