
Paula P7 avatar image
Paula P7 asked Paula P7 commented

Simple logistics loop

Hello. Basing on model I once got from here, now I'm doing an update. Assumptions:

First loop: The task executor capacity shoulde be 5, so he can deliver palette to every process at the beginning (first loop or divided i two loops).

Every next loop: Now the capacity is set on 1, so the task executor is reolading only one station when it's availble. When other process is finished during this time it has to wait for the task executer. Now i would like the task executor to handle as many stations as neccesery - even if he leaves source to reload one station which is ready, but during this loop the other station proccesed and is ready to reload too, so i would like the taks executor to have the neccesery "stock" in case if moreprocessors are ready to be reloaded.Any ideas how to do it?


FlexSim 20.2.3
model2-fm2.fsm (97.1 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Paula P7 commented

I would suggest to switch the control of the task executer to a process flow for this. I modified the model to add the following logic:

The task executer will always load 5 pallets at the source and then try to pull a destination queue from a list. All five queues are initially on the list and push themselves back onto the list each time an item enters them ("On Entry" trigger).

After all pulled queues were visited (unload new pallet to processor, load old pallet onto task executer if applicable) the token in the process flow will check if there are still new pallets available (less than 5 unloaded). If that is the case it will again try to pull a queue from the list. Only if this is not successful will the task executer return to the sink and unload any finished pallets. Afterwards it loads back up to 5 and repeats the loop.


Is this what you have in mind?


1645602717637.png (48.2 KiB)
model2-fm3.fsm (108.0 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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