
Nathan H5 avatar image
Nathan H5 asked Jeanette F edited

How do you stop work on a token/patient when the resource goes on break

I am working in the healthcare environment. I have resources/staff working on time table schedules and would like them to stop working on a patient/token when they are scheduled to go off shift. I am trying to recreate a process where the staff may work on a task but once it hits 5pm they are off work and therefore stop working on the task even though they are not finished with it yet. They would then restart the task once they start work again at 9am.

FlexSim 21.2.4
healthcaretokenscheduled downschedules
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F edited

Hello @Nathan H5,

In the task you will want to select the following option in the On Preempt field.


Within the down behavior you will need to have the Unavailable box unchecked.


Here is an example model for your reference.

Release and Reaquire Staff.fsm

5 |100000

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