
Sheng_xin W avatar image
Sheng_xin W asked Sheng_xin W commented

Operator's animation

I want to know how to change the operator's animations without using the animations that Flexsim supplies. Do I need to use other applications to do this? If so, I have 3ds max and unity. And how can I do that. Thank you. And I also need the anser eagerly.

FlexSim 20.0.10
operatoranimations3ds maxunity
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Sheng_xin W commented

You can edit existing animations as well as create new ones in the "Visuals/Animations" window.



There is a page about how to use it in the user manual:

After you have created/edited your animation you can either assign it to be used as the standard for the three movement states of the operator (idle, walk, walkloaded) by changing the value of the respective variable nodes in the it's tree. (the value of the node should be name of the animation, you can also use "object.setVariable()" to set it)1646231176937.pngOr you start run animations either through process flow with the "Run Animation" activity1646231340496.pngor start it through code with "runanimation()" (see the same manual page linked above for further information on the commands).

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