Hello FlexSim and FloWorks community!
How to set up an event-triggered source so that it fires every time the group content of several FlowTanks has dropped to, for example, 10000?
Hello FlexSim and FloWorks community!
How to set up an event-triggered source so that it fires every time the group content of several FlowTanks has dropped to, for example, 10000?
Hi @Viktor K4 ,
For this problem I would again use a tracked variable. This tracked variable will track the content of the complete group of tanks. You can in that case also use the tracked variable to wait for a certain content. I have attached an example model to show this. Both tanks are in a group. The wait for event activity waits for either a rate change at the tanks or till we get to the selected content amount. Please check this example and let us know if you have any questions about this.
In the example we only have inflow at the tank. If you also have outflow you will need to subtract the outflow rate from the rate of the tracked variable in the two “Set rate ContentTV” activities.
Hello @Patrick Zweekhorst,
Thank you for your answer. I knew that the solution must be a bit more complex than just connecting an event-triggered source to the group, but I hadn't though that it would require tracked variables. As I understand your example correctly, the model tracks the group content via received input (and output), right? I've implemented this solution in my model and it works. Thank you!
Yes you are correct. The Content tracked variable uses the in (and out) rates to calculate the content of the group of tanks. Tracked variables are useful in a lot of places, even in situations where you did not directly think of them.
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