
Manuel F. Silva avatar image
Manuel F. Silva asked Ryan Clark commented

Problem in Tutorial 1.2, Step 2, version 22.0 & version 22.1

While trying to run the tutorial

, version 22.0 & version 22.1, on Step 4 I am not being able to find on the Toolbox in the left pane. Under the Statistics Collectors group, a new WaitingLineContentvsTime statistics collector.

I will be waiting for an answer from you.

FlexSim 22.0.1
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Ryan Clark avatar image Ryan Clark commented ·

Hi @Manuel F. Silva, was Zach T's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always unaccept and comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Zach T avatar image
Zach T answered Ryan Clark commented

@Manuel F. Silva We are aware that basic tutorial 1.2 needs to be updated. We are working on getting that up to date. As far as assisting you in completing the tutorial, here are a few steps to get access to the statistics collector.

The first step is to ensure that you have to correct graph on your dashboard, so that when you get the statistics collector, it is the one that you want. The tutorial is not very clear on that. Click on the pin by content, just like the tutorial calls, for then in the dropdown menu that appears follow these steps.

Add to Dashboard -> Content -> Line Chart


This ensures that you get the proper content v.s time chart on the dashboard.

With that chart selected, look at the properties on the right. At the bottom there should be a button that says "install". Click that button.


There will be a pop up window that appears. Click Ok on the window. This window is making sure that you want to make some tools that are happening in the background to be made visible. Like the statistics collector.


Be aware that once you click OK it may take a few seconds for the model to refresh and show you those new tools. So if it doesn't refresh immediately, just be patient. Once it refreshes, the screen will kind of flicker, the statistics collector should appear at the bottom of your toolbox.


There are some other issues with future tutorials that you may run into. We are aware of some of the updates needed, so if you need help with those, or anything else, don't hesitate to post another question, (rather than comment on this post). Thanks!

step-3-snip.jpg (104.8 KiB)
step-4-install.jpg (58.6 KiB)
step-4-popup.jpg (36.9 KiB)
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Manuel F. Silva avatar image Manuel F. Silva commented ·

Dear @Zach T, thank you very much for your answer and explanation. It was very helpful and it solved my problem. In case I face more problems with the tutorials I will post another question, as per your suggestion,

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Ryan Clark avatar image Ryan Clark Manuel F. Silva commented ·

Hi @Manuel F. Silva,

I'm glad @Zach T was able to help resolve your problem. In the future, please post a reply to an answer as a comment rather than as a separate answer. Please see Best practices for using this Answers site - FlexSim Community for more information. Thanks!

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