
max avatar image
max asked max commented

How retrieve particular item from the rack using assigned value

Hello I have assigned particular value to each item using bay and level value in global table. The value is given whenever item is stored in rack. I want to retrieve an item based on the value assigned. I tried doing it with list but I have error while pulling from the list. Is it also possible whenever I give the value to asrs it should retrieve that item from rack?


FlexSim 19.1.2
racklistasrs vehicle
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered max commented

First of all you should not be using value as the name of the label - this is a FlexSim keyword that is use in the tree and in List expressions. Change this to be called something else.

Then problem is that you only set the label on the entry to the rack, and have not made that label dynamic in the list properties.

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