
Rykou avatar image
Rykou asked Rykou commented

How to modify ASRS that just can move items to the racks between it?

Hi Flexsim,

In my current model, there are 3 racks and 2 ASRS stagger arrangement. I want to modify ASRS that just can move items to the racks between it. How can I do?

The attachment is as follows.Thanks in advance.


rackasrs vehiclemove items
· 2
5 |100000

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Sebastián Cañas avatar image Sebastián Cañas commented ·
@Rykou ,

If I understood you correctly, you want ASRS1 to transport items to Rack 1 and 2 and ASRS2 to Rack 2 and 3?

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Rykou avatar image Rykou Sebastián Cañas commented ·

Yes. Your description is what I want to express.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Rykou commented

You could have the queue push the transport task sequences to a list and add the port as a Push Argument field (this requires editing the code of the pick options as shown below).

In a small Process Flow, tokens representing the ASRS can then pull task sequences with an eligile port (<3 for ASRS1 and >1 for ASRS2)



· 1
5 |100000

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Rykou avatar image Rykou commented ·

The reply is very helpful.Thanks alot.

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