
Lambert avatar image
Lambert asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Pull only one token from list even if many satisfy condition?

Hi, I have several tokens with the same query condition waiting to pull from a list:

WHERE Arc.toNum() = Puller.Arc.toNum()


When I push 1 token into the list that satisfies the condition, all the tokens move at the same time into the next step.


How can I do to only move one token into the next step, and have the rest wait for another push into the list?


Also, I don't understand why I only see one puller in the backorder list, even though I have many tokens in the pull from list activity:


Thank you in advance,


FlexSim 22.1.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

This might be the same problem described in this post:

If not, could you attach your model? It's very difficult to diagnose otherwise: (You can make the question private so only FlexSim staff can see it).

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Lambert avatar image Lambert commented ·
That solved it! Thank you very much for your quick reply!

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Lambert commented ·
Great to hear! I've changed my comment to an answer so you can accept it to mark this question as solved.
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