
Marc R5 avatar image
Marc R5 asked Marc R5 commented

loop using multiple subprocess flows

Hello everyone,

Layout v3.2_0.fsm

I have a problem iterating over multiple subprocess flows.

As you can see in my process flow container "logistics", I am trying to take each panel from "descarga" queue, and load them into the closest rack. So, when loading, if it reaches the max panels or max width of the rack, it needs to take the next closest rack and load it, and so on.

After the first token is loaded into the first rack, the loop breaks. I cannot know how to do it.

Thank you very much!

FlexSim 22.0.1
layout-v32-0.fsm (527.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Iago MF avatar image
1 Like"
Iago MF answered Marc R5 commented

Hi Marc! The problem is that you haven't finish de subflow because there's not a finish activity, so when it loops, the token that have to run the subflow is the one created by the previous subflow.

layout-v32-0 IMF.fsm

layout-v32-0-imf.fsm (529.0 KiB)
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