
Sebastian avatar image
Sebastian asked Sebastian commented

MTBF How can I attach a TE (task executer) to a processor to do repairing?

Best regards,

I already read the documentation about MTBF, but I didn't find an answer. When the processor "grabado" is on repair, I want that the TE "operator2" make the repair animation in this machine, and in this moment the TE will be "in use", just like the TE do set up, process, and transportation animation with the flow items. Is there a way to do this?mtbf.jpgTaller tercer corte - práctica parcial (IPM).fsm

FlexSim 22.0.2
task executermtbf mttron repair
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Sebastian commented

There is an option for this in the dropdown menu of the "Down Function".

"Stop Object and Call Operator"


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