
Alexander Swinarew avatar image
Alexander Swinarew asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Bug Report: Task Executor Trigger with AStar


I noticed a strange behaviour today when using task executors and an AStar navigator. I was trying out some triggers on said task executors and used AStar related triggers like OnAStarBlock. After deleting those triggers and resetting the model, the triggers returned. I tried it out in an other new and completely empty model, however the same issue appeared again. All other triggers like OnEntry can be deleted without any problems.

Thanks and best regards


FlexSim 22.0.0
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Yes - the trigger is not stored on the object, but instead on the traveler node withing the AStar Navigator object which seems to cause the problem.

To remove it you can set the task executor to a different navigator and then back to the Astar.

Thanks for reporting it - its been sent to the developers.

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