
Chris Smith avatar image
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Chris Smith asked Phil BoBo answered

AutoCAD DWG text block information

Snap points from AutoCAD drawings is a great feature! I am currently using it to automatically position objects as they are created programmatically in my model. To do this I am currently using a layer in my AutoCAD drawing that has text in each of the locations I am creating. I use the center snap point from that text to position the object. I know this is likely a stretch, but I was wondering if it is currently possible to extract the value of the text from the drawing within FlexSim. For instance, if my drawing had a text block with the test "Station1010", then can I get that text within FlexSim? I would like to use this text to name the locations I am creating. I know I could always extract that data to an excel sheet and then load that into FlexSim, but I figured I would ask to make sure there wasn't a method within FlexSim before I use that intermediate step.

FlexSim 17.0.0
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered

Currently, the Text on the text blocks isn't being loaded in a manner that you can read that data.

I'll add a note to the development list to look into storing that info in the tree so that you can access it in a future version.

In the meantime, you'll need to get the data in another way as you suggested.

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