
John A avatar image
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John A asked John A commented

Autocad Import Issues

I’m trying to fixup an autocad file. When I import the file sent to me, it puts the drawing at a position of -786790.3064, -2959052.5433, but the image of the drawing appears above the simulation. I cannot rotate it because of this odd positioning.

When I try to edit the Autocad drawing, reposition to 0,0, and save, I get this issue when trying to import the saved drawing:


Unable to load 3d shape. Unknown file format.

Media not found: C:\Users\xxxx\xxxx.dwg

Is there a specific way to export in autocad? I can’t share the cad file due to NDA.

I'm using Autocad 2022, fresh install. File was made with 2020.

FlexSim 21.1.3
flexsim 21.1.3autocaddwgimporting autocad files
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered John A commented

FlexSim's DWG importer probably doesn't support the latest release file format. Try saving the file as a previous release format, such as DWG 2018.

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