
Katarzyna P5 avatar image
Katarzyna P5 asked Logan Gold edited


Dear all,
Does anyone have FlexSim 2021 Update 2 version?? I need the .exe installation file. I have to write my final paper which is due to tomorrow, and I can only use the 2021 version (the 2022 version doesn't accept the license that my university provides).

I have my model but it's not finished yet, and I did this model on the 2021 update 2 version, so on older versions (example 2020), it's not possible to open my model. In my account, I don't have the button "more versions" I can only download 2022.


Without the 2021 update 2 version I can't do my paper and I will be expelled from my university

FlexSim 21.2.4
installationfile2021urgent2021 version
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered Logan Gold edited

Edited: We were able to get this taken care of with a temporary link. We are now closing the case and removing the link.

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