
Kj311 avatar image
Kj311 asked Kj311 commented

Errored when following the manual 1.4 Global Lists

1.4 Tasks Using Global Lists.fsmI'm getting this error when running this model while following the instructions for 1.4 Tasks using global lists.

The MODEL is attached, thank you for all your help!


FlexSim 22.0.0
listsglobal list
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered Kj311 commented

Hi @Kj311,

I found two errors in your model. The first that is creating the error pop-up is in your basic Task Sequence process flow activity. The unload Item at processor activity is trying to accept "token.ItemToTransport" but there isn't a token with that name. If you change it to "token.TransportedItem" it will fix that error pop-up.

The next error I found was with Destination4 in your GlobalListLogic plane. The on Entry trigger is trying to sort "item.RushOrders" but the rush order label is "item.RushOrder". If you fix those two errors your model will work just as it is supposed to.

I have attached my model with edits so that you can see how the model should work.


14-jw.fsm (102.7 KiB)
· 1
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Kj311 avatar image Kj311 commented ·
Thank you so much, Jacob!
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