
Emily K avatar image
Emily K asked Emily K commented

Using decide activity to stop simulation based on input value

0511.fsmHi there,

I am trying to stop the simulation when the input value of Queue8 reached 10, I use decide > conditional decide > Model.find("Queue7").as(Object).stats.input.value==10

But it doesn't work...

Are there any suggestions? Thanks!

FlexSim 21.1.5
processflowdecideinput value
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Emily K commented

@Emily K If you put a decide in you have to have 2 exits. You currently have only 1 exit on the decide but if the queue content == 10 it should go to exit 2. But there is no exit 2 so it doesn't go anywhere. You can also see that because all your tokens stay in your decide. So simply add a custom code activity and connect it from the decide to this activity and put the code stop(0) in that custom code activity and you should be good to go.

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