
Farah_najihah A avatar image
Farah_najihah A asked Farah_najihah A commented

what is wrong with my agv

FT HBW.fsmtime: 17.492851 exception: Exception Caught in dispatchtasksequence(treenode tasksequence, treenode dispatcher DEFAULTNULL)

time: 17.492851 exception: Exception caught in start() of activity Process/Travel to Next Work Point in process flow "AGV". Continuing throw...

time: 17.492851 exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::callMemberFunction() main function. Throwing...

time: 17.492851 exception: Exception caught in evaluation of MAIN:/project/exec/usercommandlist/Process Flow/releasetoken/node

these are the error I got, not sure why, is it related to the process flow? my agv got stuck at the second decision point. this error appears when I added more processor and decision point in the agv path. how do I fix this? Thank you in advance! I attached my model below,

FT HBW.fsm

FlexSim 22.1.1
ft-hbw.fsm (14.2 MiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Farah_najihah A commented

Some of the processors do not have "First Available" as the SendToPort destination and are instead pushing to a list. You should change this since the Transport Dispatcher is set to push to AGVWork instead, and that will correctly set the destination for you.





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