
Iram A2 avatar image
Iram A2 asked Iram A2 commented

Combiner, Operator process order

Hi, i have 2 question regarding the attached simulation: first, operator need to finish the process in order (operation OP10,OP20 and OP30), i already change the preempt only (priority 1) for OP30, op30-properties.jpgbut still the operator go back from OP20 to OP10 and not finish OP30. Second i add a process time of 5 seconds in OP10, but the combiner finish up to 42.26 sec. op10-properties.jpgNot sure how to finish exactly in 5 sec all 5 items from combiner. ThanksCombiner, operator process order.fsm

FlexSim 19.1.2
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Iram A2 commented

The transport task has a separate priority/preemption setting. It also needs to be able to preempt other pending tasks with a lower priority. ('Flow' tab in the properties)

The process time of the combiner starts once the required number of items has entered. If the source doesn't produce items fast enough, the combiner will have to wait for it.

You might also want OP20 to be able to preempt OP10, in case the next batch is ready immediately.


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