
Josué Islas avatar image
Josué Islas asked Josué Islas commented

Operators stop to work

Processes Sludge v2.4.fsmNice day! I want to understand why in my simulation the two operators marked in the image stop their operations from the second round of work.

FlexSim 24.1.0
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Josué Islas commented

The processors are not designed to use operators when the capacity is greater than 1. The operator needs to be freed from its Utilize task in order for it to accept a new processing task.

Note also that the twin spin will release to the sink after processing so there's no need to use the Delete Object activity you have in your process.

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Josué Islas avatar image Josué Islas commented ·

Thank you so much @Jason Lightfoot ! By applying your recommendations (add a queue to each process) I was able to avoid the operators stopping working and the simulation finished simulating the required 250 days.

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