
Paulino SMH avatar image
Paulino SMH asked Mischa Spelt commented

Process time within flexscript

Hello everyone.

I've been reading the "Process Time" of a processor inside an script in order to be able to automatically adjust an animation based on that time.

In the following image you can see an example of what I've been doing to read the value (basically using the getProperty command):


Everything works fine if the processor time value is being entered as a number directly. The problem I'm facing now is that we have a model where the processor times are being provided as table cells.

As you can see in the following image using the same code returns 0 in this case:


Based on the documentation getProperty returns a Variant, when I use that as the datatype I get a reference to the table but I have not been able to parse it as an integer:


Is there a function in flexscript to evaluate that Variant as a command and get the processing times provided in this way as integers ?

This is the test model I've been using:


Thank you in advance.

FlexSim 22.1.1
global tableflexscriptprocess time
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Mischa Spelt commented

Process Time is a function. A Function returns a value for an Event in FlexSim. You can parse a Model Parameter to be returned into this Function. Then you can evaluate this Parameter simultaneously somewhere else.

Before we used Parameters for the experimenter, a Classic approach was to set a label value in processor and read this value to be returned in a Process Time function. Then we were able to get access to the process time as a numerical value.

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