
Yi-Chin W avatar image
Yi-Chin W asked Yi-Chin W commented

error in global table,

I'm sorry that I'm fairly new to simulation... In my model I want processor should read different process time in global table for each item, and the process order is item 1→process time is 10 , item 2→process time is 20, item 3 is 30. But I ran the model, the process time's order is row2→row1→row3. I can not find the problem,please tell me where's the error..thank you.

my Flexsim is version 18.0.2


FlexSim 18.0.7
global tableprocess time
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1 Answer

Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
Sebastian Hemmann answered Yi-Chin W commented


I think you are on the right way. What you did:

In the OnCreation Trigger you gave all items a label named "Type" and set a value on this label

  1. duniform(1,4);

So this means you´ve set the value to a number between 1 and 4.

On the Processor you now say, depending on the value of this label, look into the line of the table (Type = 3 -> row = 3).

So the problem seems to be, that this will not work for all Types with value 4, because your Table "Parameter" only has 3 rows.

I´ve attached, how I would do it:

I´ve just unconnected your Source and added a "Source_SH" where I´ve changed the settings in your table (so you can compare both Sources).

So I gave all Boxes a label Type in the Table and the first one is getting a 1, second a 2 and third a 3 as value.

Now everything should run smoothly as you wanted.


newsource.jpg (46.0 KiB)
15680-use-this-sh.fsm (102.5 KiB)
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Yi-Chin W avatar image Yi-Chin W commented ·

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm really appreciate that you spent your time to solve my problem
and tell me how to do

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