
Fred E avatar image
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Fred E asked Felix Möhlmann answered

How to consider OEE


Machines don't work constant all the time, so I want to take into account OEE in % in process time.

I am looking to make the processor OEE to be 87%.

I know that OEE is calculated from availability %, performance% and quality %. But for now I want just that my process time is not 100 % all the time.

With which statistical distribution should I consider the percentage of OEE in process time. Additionally, I use a global table to set the processor's processing time.

My model: model10.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.4
global tableprocess timeoee
model10.fsm (31.1 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

There isn't really a general answer to this, because there are many ways of how that final number of 87% might have been reached. The machine being completely stopped for 13% of the time will likely have different repercussions in the model than it running continuously but with a 15% higher process time.

If you only want to alter the process time and not incorporate stops, an exponential distribution with a mean value of the average process time including OEE might be a good starting point.

  1. double defaultVal = Table("GlobalTable1")[1][2];
  2. double OEE = Table("GlobalTable1")[1][3]/100;
  3. double expScale = defaultVal * (1-OEE)/OEE;
  5. return exponential(defaultVal, expScale, getstream(current));

(You can also type this into the process time field as one expression, but it gets rather lengthy, so I broke it up into multiple lines of code.)


model10-fm.fsm (32.0 KiB)
5 |100000

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