
Sia Sengchoon193 avatar image
Sia Sengchoon193 asked Sia Sengchoon193 commented

How to uniformly modify the process time of multi machines by parameter table?

How to use the parameter table to uniformly modify the processing time of multiple machines?

I know how to use the parameter table to modify the number of different objects,


But I'm not sure how to uniformly modify the settings of multiple machines, such as processing time,

I have many combined machines,


I need to modify their processing time uniformly,


How can I add this setting to the parameterization table?


FlexSim 21.1.5
processtimeparameters tablemulti modify
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Sia Sengchoon193 commented

Hello @Sia Sengchoon193,

In the processing time field, you can select a picklist option that selects the parameter.


or use the code

  1. Model.parameters.ProcessingTime // note: ProcessingTime is the name of a parameter I created in the parameters table

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Sia Sengchoon193 avatar image Sia Sengchoon193 commented ·

@Jeanette F Thank you, I have found a similar way, I don't know if it is the same as yours, but thank you very much for your help!


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