
Aldo G11 avatar image
Aldo G11 asked Aldo G11 commented

AGV Doesn't Load and Follows a Loaded AGV

Circuit BK.fsm

Hellow everyone; I got the next two problems:

1.-Around the sec 330 the 3 AGV's are stopped because the AGV3 is waiting for the Queue to spawn a third box and until then the AGV3 keeps moving and everything else seems to be OK until the sec 608, where my second problem appears:

2.-The AGV2 keeps moving without loading anything and the circuit keeps doing this until the end of the simulation but with different AGV (AGV3).

I appreciate the time and the extra effort to those who answer our questions.


FlexSim 20.2.3
circuit-bk.fsm (13.5 MiB)
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1 Answer

Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image
Omar Aguilera Rico answered Aldo G11 commented

Hello @Aldo G11 , answering your two problems.

In the "Container" named "Parked AGV Activation" the token has four labels assigned, focus on "activeAGVs" and "activeItems". What happens is that in the "Decide" with the name "Do I Need Another AGV?" has the following condition "token.activeAGVs < token.activeItems && token.parkedAGVs > 0" which is not met when your third item arrives because the value of "activeAGVs" and "activeItems" is equal to two so 2 is not is less than two. That's why the AGV stays waiting quite a long time. Until the condition is met.

If you check who would trigger the value of the “activeAGVS” tag, you would review the “Container” with the name “Main Control Loop” in which the token is always in an infinite loop looking for activities. Since you don't have any “ParkPoints” and you only have “NextLookForWork” in your “ControlPoints” connections, that's why your AGVs will always be spinning whether or not there is an item to load.

If you want to represent that AGVs arrive at a ControlPoint when there is no product, you need to specify your “ParkPoints”.

This would solve the two problems that your model is presenting.

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Aldo G11 avatar image Aldo G11 commented ·

Thank you for your response, honestly I didn't understand the part of the "Parked AGV Activation" I'm stuck with that part, I mean, I can se that in the "Do I Need Another AGV?" code it's the "token.activeAGVs < token.activeItems && token.parkedAGVs > 0" but how can I change the values of the "activeAGVs" and "activeItems" to change the condition of my 3 AGV's waiting in line until 3 boxes appear?

I've tried with "ControlPoints" for my second problem and I got the right response from the AGV's (Thnx).

I'll attach my progress here...Circuit BK.fsm

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circuit-bk.fsm (13.5 MiB)
Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image Omar Aguilera Rico Aldo G11 commented ·

If you connect from your ControlPoint (ControlPoint2) to the ControlPoint (ControlPoint4) with the letter A selected a connection type ParkPoints and in the same way for ControlPoint (ControlPoint2) to the ControlPoint (ControlPoint3). This solves your model.

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Aldo G11 avatar image Aldo G11 Omar Aguilera Rico commented ·
Thank you Omar, now I realize what you here trying to tell me before.


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