
XP Li avatar image
XP Li asked XP Li commented

Statistics in sub process flow won't show on dashboard

Display Stats from Sub Process Flow.fsm

I started a barebone process flow in which I call a sub flow:


In the sub flow, it just has a delay.


While I tried to pin the stats of the delay to the dash,


but nothing shows up.


I did set the sub flow as a global instance. Any help is appreciated.

FlexSim 22.1.2
sub flowstats
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered XP Li commented

The statistics collector that is created internally when pinning a stat to a dashboard uses the 'enumerate()' method to create a row for all instances of the chosen activity/activities on model reset. However, in the case of the subflow, the instances are created 'on demand', so it doesn't have an instance when the model is reset and thus no row is created.

You could either install the components of the dashboard table to get access to the statistics collector and change the event to listen to a token actually entering the activity (at which point the subflow instance will exits). The time until the first token enters will be missing from the 'average' calculation though.


Alternatively, you could simply place the subflow into a general process flow and connect the run subflow activity with the sampling tool.



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