
Donia M avatar image
Donia M asked Donia M commented

Problem in robot loading under agv


I have a problem when loading an item from Queue aun unload it under the agv.

As you can see from the example, the end of the robot is immersed in the "basicFR2" when picking and moving the item from the container (Queue 1) to the agv.

The second problem consists in the unloading of the item.We can not see the item under the agv, I think that is placed in the agv.

Is there any possibility to forced the robot to load the item from the container and unload it under the agv without immersing in the BasicFR2 and then put this item under the agv (and see it clearly).

You fin in attached file the example.

Than you in advance

test robot.fsm

FlexSim 22.1.2
test-robot.fsm (1.6 MiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Donia M commented

For the robot arm I would suggest to either use the Motion Paths motion mode which gives you complete control over the path the arm travels along.

Or get the coordinates of the item and agv in the process flow and use those to define a rough path for the arm to travel in sequence (demonstrated in attached model).

Because you deleted the clamp part of the robot, the item vanishes when picked up by the robot. To circumvent this, you can move it into the last part of the arm directly (see model).

Then use the 'On Entry' trigger of the agv to adjust the location of the item after it is moved into it (also see model).


test-robot-1.fsm (1.2 MiB)
· 1
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