
mary avatar image
mary asked Jeanette F commented

How to label by percentage

Hi I have a model where in the processor1 and processor2 on exit I want to assign a label of "Repair" and "Production" and set a percentage like for repair 20% and Production 80% should go to particular station of repair and production using process flow how can I do it. Please help with logic.


FlexSim 20.0.10
by percentagelable
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jason Lightfoot converted comment to answer

You can add a comparison as a label value like

  1. duniform(0,4) == 0

duniform choose a value randomly in the range 0 .. 4 compared to a value like 0 only 20% are returning a true which is an integer value of 1 all other returned values will be 0.

EDIT: in Send To Port you can apply the same strategy for port by case

condition: duniform(0,4)

default port to destination without repair

any chosen value like 0 to a port number for repair.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

If it's repair or production you can just test if one label "Repair" is true or false which you can set with a percentage using the AssignLabels activity:


You could also use a decide to go to two different process routes with explicit travel activities - one for each destination. The condition option of the decide could just be:

  1. token.Repair

or you could choose the percentage option of the decide activity and not implement the Rapair label:


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